user interface design

The art of problem solving.

User interface design is all about problem-solving. It determines how your users view and interact with your app, website or platform, anticipating their experiences at every click. From sitewide flows to micro-interactions, each aspect of the user interface has an impact and needs to be considered. A good user interface takes complex information and functionality and makes it simple, intuitive and beautiful.

People ignore designs that ignore people.
Frank Chimero

The Power of Design

When a design is well thought out and critically considered, it can improve business. From reducing customer support queries to increasing sales, we’ve seen design changes make a significant and meaningful impact on the products we create. Through the use of information hierarchies, layout, colour and imagery, design can provide clarity and engagement.

  • Before we pick up a pencil, we need to understand the product we’re building: What does it do? Who is it for?

  • Once we know, we can start sketching out ideas for layouts and patterns. The good ones turn into wireframes (low fidelity outlines of an interface).

  • When designing our responsive web apps, we take a mobile-first approach and accommodate small devices with touch interactions.

  • The next phase is to create high fidelity designs where we focus on precise colour schemes and polished components to develop a consistent system.

  • Then we start making prototypes, where a functional interface can be put in front of the team, the client and test users. This stage quickly makes any flaws apparent, and we can pick out what is and isn’t working.

  • We’re not done yet. We improve on our designs by iterating, iterating and iterating, until the final user interface design is not just aesthetically pleasing, but adds value to your business.

We Wear Different Hats

User interface designers need to have a keen eye for aesthetics while also being able to analyse information and business logic critically. Our designers are researchers, adept at understanding users’ points of views. They’re art directors, delivering beautiful and breathable solutions. They’re also user experience architects and programmers, who provide seamless experiences and functionality.

Whatever stage of design you need when building a new product, Platform45 can help you by investigating and articulating why one solution is better than another.

You’ll be included in the entire user interface design process, from the wireframe to the final “wow.”

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